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Podiums violets


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The luxury hotel sector faces the expectations of GenZ customers

The 5* hotel sector in Marrakech is coming back strong after the very difficult period of the pandemic from 2020 to 2022. It is struggling to regain its energy in the face of the strong increase in tourist arrivals.


The luxury hotel sector faces the expectations of GenZ customers

Les rétroactions issues du feedback des  clients dans le secteur bancaire marocain dévoilent des insights cruciaux quant aux attentes et exigences de la clientèle dans les villes de Casablanca, Marrakech et Rabat.

The Voice of Supermarket Customers in Morocco. Report

Insights to help supermarkets understand and influence shopper behavior

In the context of supermarkets and hypermarkets in Morocco, the analysis of customer reviews reveals valuable insights into the shopping experience and innovation opportunities for the operators of these important companies.


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The luxury hotel sector faces the expectations of GenZ customers

Les concessionnaires des voitures prémium ou de luxe sont "sur le  front" des exigences des clients les plus exigeants. Notre étude sur les attentes et perceptions des clients des marques automobiles de luxe rend le verdict sur l'expérience pré et post achat.

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